Friday, December 14, 2018

Testosterone TRT and Fertility - The 3 most important things to know in ...

Are you a bodybuilder? Or have you been diagnosed with Low T testosterone? Watch this video if you ever want to have kids

First, to produce normal amounts of healthy sperm, a man must produce the correct hormones from the pituitary gland and testosterone from the testicles. This is an extremely important point. Men need a really high level of testosterone INSIDE THE TESTICLES for sperm production but testosterone alone cannot start or maintain sperm production

If a man is taking #testosterone supplements by ANY method #trt  patches, gels, shots whatever, they will suppresses the production of the pituitary hormones which in turn, causes the high levels of  testosterone inside the testicles to plummet.

The resulting testosterone levels in the blood are not nearly high to produce sperm but even if they were - there are still no hormones from the pituitary gland to help out.

This results in a suppression of sperm production so pronounced that it can actually be used as a male contraceptive. Let's put that another way. If a group of men is taking testosterone supplements, the sperm production will drop to 0 in nearly 90% of them. That’s no sperm. At all.


The good news is that most men who have no sperm will recover after they stop using. But most is not all. Even a year after stopping, some men will still have no sperm or very low levels of sperm leaving them infertile.

Rescue medications like Clomid, hCG and hMG may help speed up the time it takes to resume sperm production but it doesn’t work for everybody. The longer you used and the higher dose, the greater the chance that you might not recover.

What’s the take home? If you are thinking about having children in the future, try to stay off testosterone supplements. If you must take T. Use as low a dose as possible for as short a time as possible. Go off of testosterone several months before you want to attempt pregnancy.

You can get great videos like this one delivered to your phone or computer every week. For free! All you have to do is tap or click right here. It couldn’t be easier. Its like having your own fertility specialist in your phone. Go ahead, try it!

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