Thursday, December 22, 2016

Mini IVF| Fertility Expert Randy Morris answers - Is it right for you?

Randy Morris -The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

One of the reasons that #IVF is so successful is that it is a selection progress. If you start out with a large number of eggs, you are more likely to find some that will produce healthy embryos.

This is the reason why #fertility experts use high doses of fertility medications when women do IVF. These medications are the best way to try to get a large number of eggs. But are there some women who might be better off using low doses of injections or even oral medications to stimulate their ovaries. Let’s take a look.

First, ALL well done studies and the U.S. IVF database have shown that overall, pregnancy rates are significantly LOWER with mini-IVF than with standard IVF. This makes sense, fewer eggs means a lower chance for finding good eggs. There is NO evidence that egg quality is better with mini-stimulations.

However, there are some women who do not respond well to fertility medications. Even with high doses of meds, they may still produce very few eggs. Since fertility injections are very expensive, this can make the treatment very costly.

Using a medication like #Clomid will typically get only a small number of eggs to develop but it is much less expensive and easier to take - it’s a pill - not a shot. The egg quality is no better buts its not any worse either. So… instead of trying to get a large number of eggs at one retrieval, you can try to get just one or two eggs - but repeat the process several times.

So the main advantage of mini IVF is for women who would need a high dose of fertility meds. They can save a lot of money on expensive injections. The disadvantage is that they may need to have several egg retrieval procedures.

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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Frozen embryo transfer ( FET ) or Fresh? | Infertility TV

Should you be doing a frozen embryo transfer ( FET )? Dr Randy Morris | The BOARD CERTIFIED Fertility Expert |Weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV: IVF Embryo Transfer-Fresh or Frozen?

There are two options for transferring embryos during IVF.

During a FRESH TRANSFER, the embryos are placed in the uterus within 5 days of the egg retrieval without being frozen.

The embryo transfer can be deferred until a later time, however, by freezing the embryos. (FROZEN TRANSFER or #FET )

There are several advantages to a deferred transfer.

Most importantly, studies now show that the chance that the embryos will implant into the uterine lining is improved by waiting until a later time.

Second, deferred transfer helps avoid a serious complication of IVF treatment called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Third, deferring transfer allows genetic testing of the embryos to be performed with improves the chance for pregnancy and reduces the risk for miscarriage.


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