Thursday, October 29, 2020

Progesterone in IVF / FET: Which type gives the highest success rates?

Preparing the uterus for IVF frozen embryo transfer requires progesterone. Which type - vaginal or progesterone injections gives the highest chance for success? Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert offers great evidence to help your journey. Chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:28 Progesterone is needed to prepare the uterus 0:45 Why are progesterone injections so painful? 1:30 Is it necessary to use progesterone injections? 2:54 InfertilityTV Recommendation Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization) One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center. Increase your "Infertelligence" ™ Subscribe to Infertility TV now!!! A new episode of Infertility TV is broadcast weekly every Thursday afternoon or visit our website at ******************************************* Do you want to become a patient at IVF1? ******************************************* Register online here: Or call: 630-357-6540 #progesterone #IVFProgesterone

Thursday, October 22, 2020

hCG levels in early pregnancy - Does hCG have to double in 2 days?

Have you been told that hCG levels have to double in early pregnancy to have a viable baby? What is the minimum increase needed? Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert makes it easy to understand! Chapters 0:00 Do hCG levels have to double every two days? 0:25 A viable baby is possible even if hCG levels don't double 0:43 What is hCG? 1:29 What is the minimum hCG increase needed? 2:45 Important exceptions to be aware of 3:37 Chart for minimum hCG increase for different lengths of time Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization) One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center. Increase your "Infertelligence" ™ Subscribe to Infertility TV now!!! A new episode of Infertility TV is broadcast weekly every Thursday afternoon or visit our website at ******************************************* Do you want to become a patient at IVF1? ******************************************* Register online here: Or call: 630-357-6540 #hCGlevelsinearlypregnancy #hCGtest #hCGdoubling

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Trying to conceive a baby boy? What is the best method?

There are many claims that changing sexual position or timing can increase your chance to conceive a boy. Is this really possible? Dr Randy Morris explains what the science. Watch this video. You might be surprised


0:00 Introduction

0:40 Gender of an embryo determined by the sperm

1:30 Are some men only capable of making boys or girls?

1:54 Is there a difference between X and Y sperm?

2:23 Does sex closer to ovulation produce more boys?

2:45 3 studies about sex timing and chance for having a boy

3:19 Does IUI influence the chance for a boy?

4:20 Is there anything that increases the chance for a boy?

4:41 Should you believe "testimonials" about techniques to increase the chance for a boy?

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

Increase your "Infertelligence"  ™

Subscribe to Infertility TV now!!!

A new episode of Infertility TV is broadcast weekly every Thursday afternoon

or visit our website at


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#conceiveaboy #conceiveababyboy

Thursday, October 08, 2020

High prolactin in women

High prolactin levels in women may cause infertility. Not all women need treatment. Accurate testing is critical. Learn about high prolactin levels from Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility physician with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

0:00 Insert
1:14 High prolactin levels may cause infertility
1:38 High prolactin may block ovulation
2:00 High prolactin may cause luteal phase defect
2:40 Symptoms of high prolactin
2:54 How to test prolactin
3:30 Different types of prolactin (some don't need treatment!)
4:21 Causes of high prolactin levels

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

Increase your "Infertelligence" ™

Subscribe to Infertility TV now!!!
A new episode of Infertility TV is broadcast weekly every Thursday afternoon

or visit our website at

Do you want to become a patient at IVF1?

Register online here:

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#prolactin #highprolactin #highprolactininwomen

Thursday, October 01, 2020

TTC? Sex timing, sex frequency and lubricants: Fertility Expert Tips!

Is it ok to use lubricant when you are trying to conceive? How often do you need to have sex? And when? So much confusing information. Get the facts from Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert


0:00 TTC Tips and tracks for natural pregnancy

0:35 How long do sperm live?

0:50 How to maximize chance for pregnancy - sex timing

1:20 Length of the fertility window

2:11 When is the "Peak" fertility window?

2:41 How frequently should you have sex when TTC?

3:22 Is is necessary to have sex every day when TTC?

3:35 Are lubricants ok to use during sex when TTC?

4:50 Are some lubricants "better" than others?

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

Increase your "Infertelligence"  ™

Subscribe to Infertility TV now!!!

A new episode of Infertility TV is broadcast weekly every Thursday afternoon

or visit our website at


Do you want to become a patient at IVF1?


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