Thursday, February 24, 2022

IVF Egg Retrieval Day - Before, during & after

Join IVF expert Dr. Randy Morris for a behind the scenes look at what happens before, during and after the egg retrieval at a world class IVF laboratory Chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:25 The day before the egg retrieval 0:55 Early morning preparations for egg retrieval 1:40 Patient arrival, anesthesia and final preparations 2:00 The egg retrieval begins! 2:25 Finding the eggs 3:10 Getting ready to fertilize 3:38 ICSI Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization) One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility. Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF1 located in the Naperville Fertility Center. Increase your "Infertelligence" ™ Subscribe to Infertility TV now!!! A new episode of Infertility TV is broadcast weekly every Thursday afternoon or visit our website at ******************************************* Do you want to become a patient at IVF1? ******************************************* Register online here: Or call: 630-357-6540 #EggRetrievalDay #EggRetrieval #IVFEggRetrieval

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Clomid for IVF? Is it an option for you?

IVF medications are usually injections. Clomid is a pill. Can Clomid be used for IVF? What are the pros and cons of using Clomid for IVF? Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED IVF & fertility expert explains in this week's episode of InfertilityTV Chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:27 IVF is a numbers game 0:45 IVF medications are usually injections 1:03 Clomid for IVF 1:30 Clomid can be used for poor responders 2:05 Clomid for IVF mini stimulation 2:49 Clomid does not improve egg quality 3:00 What are the disadvantages of using Clomid for IVF? Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization) One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility. Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF1 located in the Naperville Fertility Center. Increase your "Infertelligence" ™ Subscribe to Infertility TV now!!! A new episode of Infertility TV is broadcast weekly every Thursday afternoon or visit our website at ******************************************* Do you want to become a patient at IVF1? ******************************************* Register online here: Or call: 630-357-6540 #IVF #Clomid #IVFClomid

Thursday, February 10, 2022

IVF Success - Do you need "assisted hatching"?

Assisted hatching is used by many IVF programs to improve the chance for embryo implantation. How effective is it? Is there any harm? Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED IVF expert explains on this week's episode of InfertilityTV Chapters 0:00 Introduction to Assisted Hatching 0:30 All about the zona pellucida? 1:09 What is zona hardening? 1:40 Different methods for assisted hatching 2:40 Does assisted hatching help implantation? 4:23 Is there any harm to doing assisted hatching? Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization) One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility. Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF1 located in the Naperville Fertility Center. Increase your "Infertelligence" ™ Subscribe to Infertility TV now!!! A new episode of Infertility TV is broadcast weekly every Thursday afternoon or visit our website at ******************************************* Do you want to become a patient at IVF1? ******************************************* Register online here: Or call: 630-357-6540 #AssistedHatching #AssistedHatchingIVF #IVF

Thursday, February 03, 2022

IVF Tips - Is it better to transfer 1 embryo or 2?

To have a healthy live birth, is it better to transfer two embryos at the same time? Or one embryo at a time? The answer WILL surprise you. Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert explains Chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:29 In the past, many embryos were transferred 0:53 How have IVF pregnancy rates changed over time? 1:12 Rate of multiple pregnancy over time 1:27 Why do doctors want to reduce the number of multiple pregnancies? 2:12 Is it better to transfer 1 embryo or 2? Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization) One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility. Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF1 located in the Naperville Fertility Center. Increase your "Infertelligence" ™ Subscribe to Infertility TV now!!! A new episode of Infertility TV is broadcast weekly every Thursday afternoon or visit our website at ******************************************* Do you want to become a patient at IVF1? ******************************************* Register online here: Or call: 630-357-6540 #IVFTips #IVF #IVFTipsForSuccess