Thursday, August 02, 2018

Recurrent miscarriage? New testing may finally help you find the answer

Recurrent miscarriage - Dr Randy Morris MD discusses old and NEW recurrent miscarriage testing. -The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Approximately 1% of couples attempting pregnancy will suffer from
#recurrentmiscarriage.. Evaluation of the causes of recurrent #miscarriage is extensive and includes evaluating a woman for problems with her uterus, immune system, hormones, blood clotting system, and testing for possible systemic diseases such as infections, diabetes and Celiac disease. Both the woman and her partner also have a chromosome analysis.

However, roughly 50% of the time, the causes of recurrent
#miscarriage are not found. Numerous attempts have been made to look for specific gene mutations that may cause recurrent miscarriage. Several candidate genes have been studied but definitive evidence that they cause recurrent miscarriage was lacking.

Recently, researchers found that women with variations in their
#FOXD1 gene are TEN times more likely to have recurrent miscarriage compared to women without these variants. This is a more potent cause for #miscarriage than any previously studied factor. In fact, FOXD1 variants were found ONLY in women with recurrent miscarriage. They were never found in women without recurrent miscarriage.

Depending on the specific variant found, there are different possible treatments that can be employed to help reduce the risk for future miscarriages. Currently, this testing is only available at

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