Sunday, December 14, 2014

Fertility Tips - Fertility Facts - Fertility Myths - Dr. Randy Morris on...

You hear so many fertility tips. Which are fertility facts? and which aren't. Do you know which is true??

For women who are trying to get pregnant, there are many myths about what you are supposed to do when trying get pregnant.

Dr. Randy Morris, a #fertilityspecialist  is here to clear up some facts and fiction.

Question: Are we seeing more couples having trouble conceiving or are women trying to have babies later in life?

#fertilityfact from Dr Morris:

1) We are seeing more couples who are experiencing difficulty primarily because they are waiting until later in life. The older a woman gets, the harder is to get pregnant.

2) Fertility and fertility treatment are a more acceptable thing now so more people with fertility problems are likely to come out and see a doctor about it.

Question: Do birth control pills reduce fertility?

Fertility Fact from Dr. Morris:

This is fiction. The old thinking was that if you are inhibiting ovulation that somehow that was going to cause a problem and we now know that that is not true.

In fact, in certain circumstances birth control pills can be helpful toward promoting fertility

Question: Does stress cause infertility? #stressandfertility

Fertility Fact from Dr Morris

This is fiction. There is very little data to support that. Procreation vacations may give a couple a chance to have intercourse but their chances to get pregnant won't be any better than at home

Question: Does obesity play a role in infertility? #obesityandfertility

Fertility Fact from Dr Morris

The is fact! There are a number of issues. Overweight women will have a higher incidence of #ovulation problems.  They will miscarry more often and they do poorly when put on fertility treatments

Question: Does being underweight cause infertility?

Fertility Fact from Dr Morris

This is fact. Triathletes and marathon runners can also have problems with ovulation and infertility

Question: Does Robitussin (cough medicine) increase your fertility if you have thick cervical mucous?

Fertility Fact from Dr Morris

This is fiction. This one has been around for a long time. If you look in the medical literature, there has never been a single study that supports it.

Question: Does smoking contribute to infertility?

Fertility Fact from Dr Morris

This is fact. Smoking does reduce fertility. Smoking decrease ovarian function. Women go through menopause at an early age if they are smokers

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