Thursday, December 26, 2019

IVF 2 week wait - Is it necessary? Myth busted!

I have been seeing videos all over YouTube about the IVF two week wait. These videos focus on two things. 1. That you have to wait two weeks to have a pregnancy test and 2. that there are things you can do during those two weeks to improve the chance for implantation. Both are wrong! Find out why on today's episode of InfertilityTV

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Coffee, Soda, Tea

Coffee, Soda and Tea all have one thing in common. They all contain caffeine. Caffeine has been linked with infertility and early miscarriage but not all studies agree on the effect. Part of the problem with these studies is that they rely on people accurately reporting how much caffeine they consume. People aren’t always honest about their use of things like alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. Furthermore, some people may just not realize how much they consume.

To try to get around this problem, researchers recently looked at 1200 women who were trying to conceive. Instead of asking how much caffeine they consumed, they measure the amount of caffeine and caffeine metabolites detected in their blood.

A pregnancy was confirmed if a woman had a positive blood pregnancy test. An early miscarriage diagnosis was made if a pregnancy was lost before it was seen on ultrasound, A later miscarriage were those that occurred after being seen on ultrasound.

The results are really pretty amazing. Women who had any detectable level of caffeine in their blood prior to conception had an almost 5 fold greater risk of an early miscarriage. There was very little impact of caffeine on later miscarriage except that coffee exerted a greater risk for later miscarriage whereas soda showed a greater risk for early miscarriage.

Our InfertilityTV bottom line. Avoid caffeine if you are trying to conceive
Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Chicago Med - April and Ethan are TTC - A Real Fertility Expert Analysis

Hey Chicago Med Fans, a Season 5 plot line has Dr Ethan Choi and Nurse April Sexton facing possible fertility problems. But how accurate is the information? Dr. Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert analyzes the riveting plot points from Season 5.

Dr. Morris has previously analyzed the fertility and infertility plot lines in everything from This Is Us to Avengers: Age of Ultron. Check out our Movies and TV Playlist.

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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#PutDrMorrisOnChicagoMed #ChicagoMed #AprilSextonChicagoMed

Thursday, December 05, 2019

Can you smoke pot when TTC? Some REALLY surprising findings about mariju...

Marijuana use in the USA is exploding. Millions of adults in early childbearing age report marijuana use in the last year. Can marijuana use impact your fertility and make it more difficult if you are trying to conceive? This is a really important question that we will discuss today on InfertilityTV

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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#marijuana #fertility #weed

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Does Infertility Cause Cancer?

Infertility has been linked to certain cancers. Infertility can be caused by ovulation problems like PCOS and other diseases like endometriosis. Is it possible that infertility and related problems CAUSES cancer? Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert offers an easy to understand discussion of the link between infertility and cancer.

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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#infertility #infertilitycancerlink #infertilitycancer

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Does vaping cause infertility?

Vaping has become an incredibly popular alternative to cigarette smoking. We know that cigarette smoking reduces fertility but does vaping also cause infertility? Dr. Morris reviews the available evidence on whether vaping can cause problems when used by men or women who are trying to conceive

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Friday, November 15, 2019

IVF Why embryos don't stick (and what you can do about it)

It is the most common question asked to IVF specialists. If everything looked good, why didn’t my embryo stick in the uterus? And what can you do about it? Find out in today’s episode of InfertilityTV

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, November 07, 2019

Does acupuncture really double your chances for IVF success?

Recent videos have claimed that acupuncture can double your chances for IVF Success. But can it really? The shocking answer lies ahead.

YouTube videos like this one and other sources have made an unbelievable claim. That acupuncture can DOUBLE your chances for IVF success. That is an amazing claim. Especially when you consider that the IVF success rate for a young patient is over 50% - they are essentially saying that they can now guarantee that everybody gets pregnant. Sound too good be to true? Tune in to this episode of InfertilityTV. Dr Morris will discuss how fertility acupuncture is supposed to work and reviewed the best medical evidence regarding acupuncture.

#IVFSuccess #acupuncture #IVFacupuncture

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Gender selection (without IVF or PGD) - How to change your diet to conce...

IVF with PGD is the only guaranteed way to conceive a baby boy or girl. But what if you don't want to use IVF? A simple change in your diet can increase your chance for conceiving a boy by 87%!

In the last 50 years there has been a decline in the number of baby boys born. At the same time, there has been a significant change in the diet of women of childbearing age that COULD explain the drop in boys that born.

Watch this episode of InfertilityTV to learn the interesting science behind diet and the sex of babies and how a simple and inexpensive change in your diet may be the most successful gender selection method (besides IVF).

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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#genderselection #sexselection #familybalancing

Thursday, October 24, 2019

IVF When is it ok to stop progesterone?

Progesterone is critical to maintaining a pregnancy but when is it okay to stop progesterone in IVF and frozen embryo transfer cycles? Find out on today’s episode of InfertilityTV

In order for an embryo to implant in the uterus, the uterine lining must first be prepared with estrogen followed by progesterone. In order to prevent a miscarriage, progesterone must continue to be present after the embryo implants. In a natural pregnancy, progesterone is initially produced by the ovaries. Eventually, the placenta will take over production of progesterone from the ovaries.

In an IVF cycle, some of the medications used to prevent early ovulation. Like Lupron or Ganirelix can compromise the progesterone production from the ovaries. Also, doing an egg retrieval can further reduce progesterone production. In a frozen embryo transfer, all of the hormones used to prepare the uterus are given to a woman so there is no progesterone production from the ovaries at all. So in both cases, extra progesterone must be taken by a woman until the progesterone production from the placenta is adequate to support the pregnancy.

But when does this shift of progesterone production from the ovaries to the placenta occur? Scientists were able to figure this out by doing studies in monkeys. They found that if you remove the ovaries of a pregnant monkey before the 7th week of pregnancy, progesterone levels dropped and then the pregnancy always miscarried. On the other hand, if the ovaries were removed after the 8th week, progesterone levels stayed about the same and miscarriages didn’t occur. However, if you removed the ovaries before the 7th week but you gave the monkey progesterone - then the progesterone levels didnt drop and the pregnancies continued just fine.

The same timing occurs in humans. Its always possible for there to be a little variation from one woman to the next so at top IVF programs like ours at the Naperville Fertility Center, we keep progesterone going until about 9 to 10 weeks.

Here is how to determine how many weeks your pregnancy is. If you are doing a blastocyst transfer, then you are 2 weeks and 6 days along on the day of transfer so you should continue progesterone for another 6-7 weeks.

I didn't talk about the different types of progesterone in this video. You need to learn about the specific types of progesterone and how to use them to maximize your chances for IVF success. Check out this video about Crinone vaginal progesterone next.

Before you go --like this video. If you have questions or an idea for a future episode, leave it in the comments. and you should definitely subscribe to infertility TV now for new episodes weekly. It's like having a fertility specialist in your phone.

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Battle of the Fertility pills - Letrozole vs Clomid - Which is the best?

There are two fertility pills. Letrozole and Clomid. But which one is best? When should you use one versus the other? Find out on today's episode of InfertilityTV

In this corner, the granddaddy of all fertility drugs we have Clomid. First to come to market in 1967, Clomid has been used more than any other fertility drug in history.

In this corner, sassy newcomer -- Letrozole - known by fans as Femara. Letrozole was first approved for medical use in 1996 - almost 30 years after Clomid. Initially used as a treatment for breast cancer, letrozole has only been used as a fertility medication since 2001 and only used commonly since 2006

Both contenders are given as an oral medication. Both can be monitored at home with an ovulation predictor test or in the doctor’s office with blood tests and ultrasounds.

In Match #1 - Letrozole faces off against Clomid for the treatment of women with PCOS. A massive study of almost 800 women with PCOS found more women ovulated with letrozole, more women got pregnant and delivered with letrozole with no difference in the rate of multiple pregnancies. The winner: Letrozole

Match #2 - Clomid versus letrozole for women with unexplained infertility. In a study of 900 women, less women got pregnant with letrozole and less women had a delivery with letrozole. There was no difference in the risk for multiple pregnancies

Your InfertilityTV bottom line - There is no universal winner! Letrozole is better for PCOS patients and Clomid is better for unexplained infertility.

This has been a great introduction but you need to learn more about these and other fertility pills check out this video next.

Before you go --like this video. If you have questions or an idea for a future episode, leave it in the comments. and you should definitely subscribe to infertility TV now for new episodes weekly. It's like having a fertility specialist in your phone.

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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#letrozole #clomid #letrozolevsclomid

Thursday, October 10, 2019

When is the first ultrasound after IVF?

If you have become pregnant after IVF or FET, when does the first ultrasound occur? Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

A pregnancy cannot be seen immediately. A certain amount of development must occur before a pregnancy after IVF can be seen on ultrasound. This is also true for a pregnancy ultrasound after FET, IUI or a spontaneously occurring pregnancy.

The key is to follow the hCG levels. However, certain factors can change the timing. sound confusing? Dr Morris makes it easy to understand

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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#IVF #IVFfirstultrasound #IVFultrasound

Friday, October 04, 2019

Where to inject fertility drugs for maximum IVF success

Using fertility drugs incorrectly can ruin your chances for IVF success. Today, on InfertilityTV we will discuss the right locations to inject fertility drugs.

With a few exceptions the fertility drugs used during IVF are injections that are taken every day for a few weeks. There are two types of fertility drugs - those that are given in the muscle and those that are given beneath the skin.

Intramuscular fertility drugs are the older type of fertility drugs. These medications contain hormones that are isolated from the urine of older women. Because they come from urine and are not purified very much, there are contaminants mixed in with the actual medication. Examples of these medications include Menopur and Repronex. These contaminants can be very irritating when they are injected into your body. The can cause redness of the skin, swelling, itching and pain at the injection site. In order to reduce these irritating symptoms, these fertility drugs are injected into the muscle where less irritation will occur. Although any muscle will work, the two largest groups of muscles are the shoulder and the buttocks. The buttocks are by far the largest group of muscles so this has been the main location for giving intramuscular fertility drugs. The medications require a longer needle to reach the muscle.  You want to make sure you avoid most of the larger nerves and blood vessels so always give these fertility drugs in the upper outer portion of the buttocks. Even when you do it correctly, placing a needle deep in the muscle is going to be more painful and may result in bruising. For more specific injection instructions, watch this video.

Many IVF fertility drugs are now able to be given under the skin without having to inject into the muscle. These newer IVF fertility drugs do not come from urine and are highly purified. They dont contain the contaminants found in the older class of fertility drugs and so are far less irritating. IVF fertility drugs which can be given subcutaneously include Follistim and Gonal F. These medications can be administered using a much smaller needle into the fatty area just below the skin. There is a rich network of blood vessels there that are ideal for letting the fertility drugs to get absorbed into your circulation. One of the best areas is under the skin of your abdomen. The skin here is pretty loose and easy to inject. Try it now. Take a pinch of skin and lift it up. See how easy that is? There is plenty of room here so that you can give each injection in a slightly different place to avoid one area getting too sore. You may see a little bruising here and there but it will be much less than with an intramuscular injection.

Watch this video for specific instructions on giving subcutaneous injections.

Before you go --like this video. If you have questions or an idea for a future episode, leave it in the comments. and you should definitely subscribe to infertility TV now for new episodes weekly. It's like having a fertility specialist in your phone.

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

IVF - When is the egg retrieval?

The IVF egg retrieval requires anesthesia which means you miss work or school on that day. Can you plan ahead for that day? When will the IVF egg retrieval occur?

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert explains how doctors determine when the IVF egg retrieval will occur for the best possible outcome

Dr Morris has  weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

IVF ICSI Procedure - Important things you need to know

The basic idea behind IVF is that the eggs are removed from the ovaries and fertilized outside of the body in the laboratory. There are two techniques for fertilizing eggs. The older method is called standard insemination. With this technique, a few thousand sperm are placed in a laboratory dish near the egg. The sperm have to penetrate the egg on their own. This method has largely been replaced by ICSI.

ICSI stands for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. With this technique, a single sperm is injected into a single egg. There are a number of reasons why ICSI is preferred over standard insemination. First of all, if a man has low sperm counts or poor sperm movement then the chances are higher that fertilization will fail. Sometimes, standard insemination can fail even when the sperm numbers are normal. This is likely due to a specific problem with the sperm not being able to fertilize eggs on their own. Unfortunately, we are not able to predict ahead of time which men have sperm that might fail to fertilize an egg. ICSI bypasses those types of problems,  so the chances of an IVF cycle failing because of fertilization failure is a lot lower with ICSI than with standard insemination.

When an egg is removed from the ovary it is surrounded by a dense group of cells called cumulus cells. These cells make it difficult to see the egg under the microscope. This makes it harder to determine if the egg is mature or not. Immature eggs cannot be fertilized. So when there is poor fertilization, it could be in part due to there being many immature eggs rather than a problem with the sperm

When we do ICSI, these cumulus cells are stripped away. This allows us to know with certainty whether an egg is mature and allows more precise evaluation of the egg retrieval.

Finally, ICSI is needed when we are doing genetic testing on embryos. With standard insemination, there may be sperm that didnt fertilize the egg still stuck to the outside of the egg after fertilization. This can cause an incorrect result  when trying to do genetic testing of the embryo so ICSI is mandatory when doing genetic testing.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

What is the First Sign of an Ectopic Pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous complication. It is extremely important for YOU to know the first signs of an ectopic pregnancy. Learn what you need to know from Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, September 05, 2019

TTC? 10 Things NOT to do when trying to get pregnant

If you are trying to conceive - TTC - there are lots of tips for things you SHOULD do when trying to get pregnant, but what SHOULDN'T you do? Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert breaks it down in 2 minutes!!

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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#ttc #tryingtoconceive #ttctips

Thursday, August 29, 2019

You had an early miscarriage! TTC tips for your next pregnancy

At InfertilityTV, we get lots of questions from you the viewers. A common question we get is, what to do after an early miscarriage. The first thing we recommend? DON’T PANIC!! For what to do next stay tuned.

It turns out that early miscarriages are extremely common. The majority of women will have at least one early miscarriage at some point during their lives. In fact, many women have had an early miscarriage and didn’t even know it. Sometimes, that period that you had which was a week late was really an early miscarriage. Often, you may have had a positive pregnancy test at home or in the doctor’s office and then start bleeding a day or two later. This is also an early miscarriage.

The first thing to do is to make sure that the pregnancy has passed completely. This is especially important if you were able to see the pregnancy on ultrasound. One way to do this is to have your doctor get blood tests to follow your hCG levels until they are negative.

Once you are sure you have completed the miscarriage, wait for your period to come and then start trying to get pregnant right away. This is important. In the past, doctors used to tell patients to wait for several months to try to get pregnant again. Now, however, we have very good evidence that your chances for getting pregnant again and your chances for having a live birth are BETTER if you don’t wait.

Women who have had one early miscarriage are NOT at greater risk for a second early miscarriage compared to women who have never had an early miscarriage at all. So don’t assume that just because you miscarried once that it will happen again.

Monitoring in your doctor’s office can help reassure you that your next pregnancy is doing well. As soon as you think you might be pregnant, contact your OB or fertility specialist. Blood tests every few days and then ultrasounds can help determine whether you might be at risk for another early miscarraige.

Out InfertilityTV Bottom line is that most women who have an early miscarriage will be able to have a baby. Trying again immediately is an easy an effective way to increase your chances to get pregnant

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Can you get pregnant if one tube is blocked? TTC Tips

Can a woman get pregnant with one blocked fallopian tube? If you are trying to conceive with one blocked tube, what can be done to improve your chances? Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert explains with this weeks TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, August 15, 2019

What's the best time of year to get pregnant? TTC Tips for MAX fertility

Scientists have known for a long time that there is a considerable difference in how many babies are born in different seasons. Today on InfertilityTV we are going to use this information to show you when you are most likely to be able to get pregnant.

The first thing you need to know about when your peak seasonal fertility is that geography matters. Women who live in warm temperature climates have a different fertility pattern than women who live in colder climates.

In warm climates, such as the southern states in the USA, there are less births in the spring. This means that conceptions in the previous hot summer were lower. The same pattern is seen in India, Israel and Taiwan.

August is usually the hottest month in the northern hemisphere. Scientists have found that in a warm climate, a hotter August produces less babies than a more moderate August.

This impact of temperature does not seem to occur in cooler climates like the northern United States, Canada and European countries or at least its not as important

It is not known why these temperature fluctuations affect fertility. One explanation may simply be that couples are not having intercourse as frequently in the hotter summer months. Another theory points to the possibility that heat can reduce sperm numbers and movement.

So our InfertilityTV Bottom line is this. If you live in a warm region, concentrate your efforts on trying to get pregnant when its a little cooler such as the fall or spring. If you live in a cooler climate,. Don’t worry about the time of year, it probably wont have much effect.

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Friday, August 09, 2019

IVF - Why Eggs Don't Fertilize

Sometimes during IVF, the eggs don't fertilize.. Why does this happen? Find out in this episode of InfertilityTV with IVF Expert, Dr Randy Morris.

We can divide fertilization failure into three categories. 1) Problems with the sperm  2) Problems with the egg and 3) A combination of problems.

#IVF  #ICSI #FertilizationFailure

So there are three major barriers that sperm must get past in order to release their contents into the egg. There are abnormalities that can occur in sperm that can cause one or more of these steps to fail.

Fortunately, we have a technology called ICSI that can bypass these problems. ICSI involves injected a sperm directly inside the egg. As a result, ICSI is an excellent technique for bypassing any problem which makes it harder for a sperm to get inside the egg

Even if a sperm is injected into an egg using ICSI, problems within the egg may still prevent the process of fertilization from being completed.

Unfortunately, we do not have accurate testing which can identify which sperm or eggs may have abnormalities that will prevent fertilization. Using ICSI, we can bypass most if not all of the SPERM problems but not the EGG problems.

There are no known technologies that can fix these sperm or egg problems. Unless technology changes dramatically, attempts at fertilization are never going to be perfect.

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Why do IVF cycles fail after transfer? Part 2 - The Carrier

There are two categories of IVF failure. Problems with the embryo and problems with carrier. On today’s episode of InfertilityTV, we will talk about problems with the carrier.

A carrier is any woman who has an embryo transferred into her uterus.

#IVF #invitro #ERA

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, July 18, 2019

IVF Frozen embryo transfer (FET) vs Fresh - Which is best in 2019?

Why are more and more IVF experts across the world no longer doing IVF fresh embryo transfers and instead performing FET - frozen embryo transfers only? Find out on today’s episode of InfertilityTV

In the USA and other countries. doctors are reducing the number of fresh transfers and increasing the number of frozen cycles.

We now have nationwide data on the chances for pregnancies and live births. That data shows the chance for having a baby is about 10% higher when we don’t put the embryos into the uterus immediately. Why does this happen?

Think about two different factors, how fast the embryo develops and how fast the uterine lining is maturing.

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Letrozole - Femara vs Clomid for Unexplained Infertility | Which is best?

Fertility pills are often used to treat unexplained infertility. Which one works best letrozole (Femara)? Or Clomid

Research has shown the letrozole (Femara) works better for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Until now, there hasn't been high quality research to determine whether Clomid or letrozole works better for women trying to conceive who have unexplained infertility - until now.

Watch this episode as Dr. Morris reviews the scientific evidence.

#letrozole #femara #clomid

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, July 04, 2019

Avenger’s Black Widow Sterilization | Is fertility possible? Real Doctor...

The Avenger's Black Widow was sterilized. How did it happen? Could she still get pregnant? In today's episode of InfertilityTV will explore whether it is possible to conceive after "sterilization".

In the movie Avenger’s - Age of Ultron. The only female Avenger (at the time) was Natasha Romanoff - also known as Black Widow. Natasha reveals to Bruce Banner (the Hulk) that she was forcibly sterilized during her training to be be a master assassin.

We never find out how she was sterilized. We might find out in the upcoming Black Widow solo movie but until then a real Fertility Expert - Dr Randy Morris discusses the possibilities.

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

IVF tips | Are more eggs better for IVF Success?

Doctors usually give women fertility medications during IVF to mature multiple eggs. Are IVF Success rates better if you have more eggs?  Tune in to this episode of InfertilityTV to find out.

The eggs sitting in your ovaries right now are immature eggs. Normally, only 1 egg matures each month. This means that you have 1 chance that this is a healthy, good quality egg. One chance that it will be fertilized. 1 chance that it will grow and develop into a healthy embryo and one chance that it will implant into the uterus to produce a pregnancy. Chances are pretty good that with only 1 egg, it will not get past all of those hurdles necessary to produce a pregnancy.

Ultimately, you only have to have one healthy embryo to produce that pregnancy. Now, lets say you have 10 eggs and 8 of them are mature eggs, 5 of them fertilize and two of them grow and develop into healthy good quality embryos. With 10 eggs, we have a much better chance of finding the good healthy embryo that we want.

So, yes! If you are doing IVF, getting more eggs is better than having fewer eggs. This is the reasons that women who tend to produce fewer eggs, such as older women or women with poor ovarian reserve, get pregnant less often. Its a numbers game.

If getting 10 eggs is better than 1, wouldn’t 100 eggs be better than 10? In theory, yes, it would be better but we run into some problems. Women who mature a large number of eggs in response to fertility medications are at greater risk for a problem called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or OHSS.

Women who develop OHSS can develop some serious medical complications. While these complications can usually be treated, it is better if we could avoid OHSS in the first place. So, the best IVF doctors, will try to come up with some middle ground. Get enough eggs to increase the chances of finding some healthy embryos but not so many that a woman develops OHSS. This can be a tricky balance.

The InfertilityTV bottom line?  Its possible that 1 egg can get you pregnant and its possible that 100 eggs wont. But it general, the more you get, the higher the probability of success. You just have to find a way to do it safely to keep your risk for OHSS low.

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

How do I know if I am ovulating?

If you are trying to conceive, it is absolutely required that you ovulate. But how do you know if you are ovulating? It can be very confusing. Today on InfertilityTV we will clear up the confusion.
There are a number of different methods that can indicate if you ovulate. Some are more reliable than others.

First the methods you use without the need for a doctor.

1) Are your periods regular?
Generally speaking, if you are getting your period regularly about every 28 to 30 days, you can say with a high degree of certainty that you are ovulating. Subtract 14 from the length of time from one period to the next and that is likely the day you ovulated. So if you have a 28 day cycle from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next, then you probably ovulated around day 14. If it was 29 days, then you likely ovulated on day 15 and so on

2) Use a home ovulation predictor test.
There are several different kinds of ovulation tests. The most commonly used tests and the least expensive ones, are the urine tests. They measure a hormone in your urine called LH which triggers ovulation. Start checking your urine each morning before you think you will ovulate and keep checking until it turns positive. It is a very accurate and highly reliable way to determine ovulation. There are tests that use saliva but they can be trickier to interpret. More recently, there has been an explosion of high monitors that you put in your bed, wrap around your wrist, place in your bra or even in your vagina. These high tech devices measure a variety of things such as temperature, heart rate, electrical resistance in your skin. Its tough to determine how well these instruments work since the only evaluation of their effectiveness comes from the company selling them. They are however, very expensive and there isnt any data yet to say they work better than cheaper methods

3)A thermometer
Some of the high tech devices measure changes in body temperature. Another way to do this is with a special thermometer called a basal temperature thermometer. Its very inexpensive but can be tricky since there are many things that can cause your temperature to fluctuate. It is only accurate in telling you if ovulation happened after the fact. So its good for documenting ovulation but poor for trying to predict ovulation beforehand

Methods that do require a doctor
1) Follicle monitoring
When an egg matures before ovulation, it does so inside of a small cyst called a follicle, doctors can use ultrasound to measure how big a follicle is getting. At the same time, she can do blood tests to check your estrogen and LH levels. To predict when you are going to ovulate

2) Progesterone blood test
After you ovulate, the levels of another hormone called progesterone will increase. A blood test in the doctors office can look at the level of progesterone and tell you if ovulation occurred. In most labs, a progesterone level over 2.5 or 3 indicates ovulation. Like the temperature changes, progesterone only increase after ovulation so its good for documenting if ovulation occurred but not for predicting ovulation.

Documenting ovulation isn't the only thing you should be doing to investigate infertility. Make sure you are performing all of the testing in this playlist but remember to like this video first. If you have a question leave it in the comments. click the link in the description if you want to become a new patient. Or just subscribe to infertility TV now you'll get new episodes weekly. It's like having a fertility specialist in your phone.

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Early Miscarriage vs Chemical Pregnancy: 3 Things to Know

There are multiple types of Early Miscarriage. It is important to learn which type you are having for optimal treatment.

A chemical pregnancy (also known as biochemical pregnancy) is a pregnancy that has been confirmed by a blood or urinary pregnancy test.

A biochemical pregnancy loss is a type of early miscarriage that is lost before it reaches the point there it can be seen on ultrasound.

Biochemical pregnancy losses appear to be much different than clinical pregnancy losses.

A clinical pregnancy losses is a type of early miscarriage that occurs after being verified with ultrasound. You should know the difference as it has important implications for your treatment.

It is well known that clinical pregnancy losses are most commonly due to chromosome abnormalities. Testing embryos for chromosome abnormalities during IVF will reduce the number of clinical miscarriages. The older a woman gets, the bigger the decrease in clinical miscarriage will occur with PGS.

However, a number of studies have found that the use of PGS does not reduce the risk for biochemical pregnancies in IVF. Stated another way, most biochemical pregnancy losses are not due to chromosome abnormalities

Chemical pregnancies are not just a result of fertility treatment

Many women become aware they have had a chemical pregnancy because fertility doctors closely monitor them for the occurrence of a pregnancy. Sensitive blood tests can detect a biochemical pregnancy even before a woman misses her period. Women who are not involved with fertility treatments miss these very early pregnancy losses or attribute them to something else - like stress causing her period to be late.

In 2015, doctors from Canada compared the rate of biochemical pregnancy loss in women doing IVF to women who conceived on their own without fertility treatment. They found that the biochemical pregnancy loss rate was actually a little lower in the IVF patients. This shows us that biochemical pregnancies are not just the result of fertility treatments.

Doctors don't understand recurrent biochemical pregnancy losses

The vast majority of the studies that have been done on couples with miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage have specifically excluded couples with biochemical losses. So all of the recommendations for testing and treatment that you see about the antibodies and other problems - do not apply to recurrent biochemical losses. The bottom line is that doctors do not understand recurrent biochemical losses at all and therefore doing the same thing we do for recurrent clinical losses is not warranted at this time.

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, June 06, 2019

Male Fertility Supplements - Do They Work?

Fertility supplements are often recommended to boost male fertility. Can they increase sperm counts naturally? Surprising new research from Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert.

This video covers how natural fertility supplements (sometimes called fertility foods ) like CoQ10, pycnogenol or vitamin E might work Hint: it has to do with free radicals!

Check out our Supplements Playlist!

#malefertilitysupplements #fertilitysupplements #malefertility

Subscribe to InfertilityTV now! It's like having a Fertility Specialist in your phone!

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF1 located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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Thursday, May 30, 2019

More tips for 1st Time IVF Success - Will Endometrial Scratch improve em...

There have been lots of different techniques described to improve the chances for 1st Time IVF Success. One of those techniques is called endometrial scratching. But will this help an IVF embryo implantation?

The basic process is pretty simple. A doctor puts some sort of instrument or catheter into the uterus. The uterine lining is then intentionally damaged by scraping it or sucking some pieces into a catheter or other methods.

Sounds kind of crazy, right? Why would anybody want to intentionally damage the uterine lining? Well, there is a theory that by doing this, that maybe you can get a big release of growth factors or other beneficial molecules that might help increase the chances for an embryo to implant.

In fact, there have been some studies that seemed to show an improvement in the chance for implantation in couples who had multiple failures. But what about couples who are doing their very first IVF transfer?

In early 2019, researchers searched for a bunch of studies that have looked at endometrial scratch for 1st time IVF success. They combined all of the data into one giant study called a meta analysis. What did they find? Unfortunately, it didnt work. Couples who had the scratch didn't do any better than couples who didn't.

Our InfertilityTV Bottom line. If you are going to be doing your very first IVF embryo transfer - dont do the scratch- it doesn't help

Make sure you check out THIS playlist for more first time IVF success tips.

#IVFImplantationTips #FirstTimeIVFSuccess #EndometrialScratch

Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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